Address of Rajasthan Nursing Council RNC Rajasthan


Address of Rajasthan Nursing Council RNC Rajasthan

RNC-Rajasthan Nursing Council was established under the Rajasthan Nursing, Health Visitors, Midwives and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives Registration Act. Number. 9 of 1964, published in the Rajasthan Gazette Dated 28th March 1964, to fulfil the aims and objectives laid down in the Act.


  • We are granting recognition to the training institutions and periodic Inspections thereon, as the Council is the governing authority of physical and clinical facilities in almost all the nursing courses conducted in the institution.
  • Proscribe syllabus and curriculum for various nursing courses and conduct qualifying examinations there.
  • Registration and granting of certificates to qualified persons to practice their profession.


DETAILS OF RNC Rajasthan Nursing Council, RAJASTHAN, INDIA
Full Form of RNC Rajasthan Nursing Council
Address of RNC Rajasthan Nursing Council Rajasthan Nursing Council

B-39, Sardar Patel Marg,

C-Scheme, Jaipur, Rajasthan

Telephone No. of RNC Rajasthan Nursing Council +91-141-2222923
Fax Details of RNC Rajasthan Nursing Council +91-141-2222099
Email ID of RNC Rajasthan Nursing Council

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