Staff Nurse AIIMS Rishikesh 2018: Examination Detail
Exam Date : 20th July, 2018
Duration : 3 Hours
No. of Questions : 200 Questions
Mode of Test : Online
Topic Covered: AIIMS Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam (Rishikesh)
- All Nursing syllabus at B.Sc. Nursing Level. Mostly the questions were asked from Medical Surgical and Psychiatric. Mantram Nursing Academy advised all the aspirants who are preparing for Govt. Staff Nurse Recruitment Exam to thoroughly revise all the five specializations, covering the practical aspects of Nursing.
Students Opinion: Staff Nurse AIIMS Rishikesh 2018 Exam
Nursing Coaching – Staff Nurse Recruitment & Nursing Entrance Exam Exam is very easy.
- All questions and topics are well covered in the classroom.
- Many questions were asked from Mantram Model Exam Paper.
- Special classes were arranged for Govt. Staff Nurse AIIMS Rishikesh Exam which were highly useful for us.
- In Mantram we got guidance from experienced teachers how to priorities patient problem that’s highly useful for us.
- Students verbalizes that this is first exam after joining Mantram, this itself provide lot of confidence for us.
- We are highly thankful to Mantram Nursing Academy Chandigarh in helping us to crack AIIMS Staff Nurse Exam 2018 (Rishikesh).
Coaching: Staff Nurse AIIMS Rishikesh
Dear students, we would like to inform you that Mantram Nursing Academy Chandigarh provides specialized coaching for Government Staff Nurse Recruitment Exams. We proudly announced that in Staff Nurse AIIMS Rishikesh Recruitment Exam 2018 three of our students got selected.
MCQ: Memory Based AIIMS Rishikesh Staff Nurse Exam 2018
- Hepatitis D spread by —Blood transfusion
- Antidot for heparin —Protamin sulphate
- BP 110/60, then MAP —77
- MCWP —Normal 4-14 mm. Hg
- Projectile vomiting —Pyloric stenosis
- Wound healing diet —Vit.C
- Anaphylasis drug —Adrenaline
- Aminophylin drug —Bronchodilator
- Aminophylin cause —Increase Respiratory rate
- pH: 7.52, CO2 : 30, HCO¬3 : 24 —Respiratory alkalosis
- ECG —Ventricular tachycardia
- ECG —Supra ventricular tachycardia
- ECG —2nd degree heart block
- CPR —5 cycle (within 2 minute)
- Drooling saliva —TEF
- LBW —Hypoglycemia
- Rhinoplasty position —Semifowler
- Seizure —Side lying position (after)
- I/o chart calculation
- Hypoglycemic sign —Sweating
- Renal failure —Hyperkalemia
- Muscle cramp/bradycardia —Hyperkalemia
- Gastric cancer irrigation —Never
- NG tube —Stomach decompression
- Radical mastectomy —Remove muscle, lymph node all parts
- Cholecystoctomy for —Cholecystitis
- 10 yr urine pH —6
- Diabetic come —Polyuria
- Diabetic inscipidus —Increase Specific gravity
- Red, Warm IV Line —Phlebitis
- Diabetic mother —Hypoglycemia
- Cushings —thin extrimities
- Prolong PR interval —Hyperkalemia
- Addisions —Arrythmia
- Heparin —aPTT
- Tuberculin test —Intradermal
- Anmiotic fluid color —Clear
- Golden color amniotic fluid —Rh incompatibility
- Extracalorie in pregnancy —300 kcal
- Sedentary mother calorie —1900 kcal
- Negle formula —For EDD
- Apical pulse —4-5th left midclivicular line
- CVP —5-10 cm bw
- CVP —Measure right alrial pressure
- 3 cm Hw CVP indicate insufficient fluid
- PAP —8-20 mm Hg
- Urine output 1500 ml/day
- Urine specific gravity —1.010 – 1.030
- Urine pH 4.5-8
- Peritoneal dialysis —Normal creatinine level
- INH —Hepatotoxic
- INH —Pheripheral neuritis
- Pyridoxin — For pheral neuritis
- Lithium contraindicated —Diuretic therapy
- Schizophrenia —Split personality
- Blood transfusion —10 m/mt (wrong)
- Vaginal diaphram —6 hour after intercourse
- Intra tentorial position —Supine
- 32 weeks pregnancy —Risk for respiraytory distress
- Flow rate IV calculation
- Urine collection 24 hours
- Pneumonia —Lusty sputum
- NTG for —Increase Blood flow to Myocardium (MI)
- First day stool color newborn —Greenish
- Hyperthyroidism —Irritation
- Hip replacement position —Abduction
- Retinal retachment —Flashes of light
- Hyringotomy —Incease Pressure of ear
- Stapidectomy for hearing
- Seizure —Rectal temperature
- COPD —Venturi mask
- Children ET tube without cuff because pharynx seal passage
- Ulcerative colitis —WBC increased
- Ondansetron 30 mts before chemotherapy —to reduce vomiting
- DVT —Human Sign
- After cardiac catheterisation peripheral pulse
- Cystic fibrosis —Sweat chloride test
- Breast cancer metastasis to —Bone
- Child gain 1.2 kg in one year —Weight inadequate
- Thrnes —45 chromosomes
- DPT —Deptitheria, pertusis, tetanus
- TT need —5years after injury
- Aspirin —GI irritation
- Vaginal bleeding —Uterine massage
- Informed consent —Before surgery
- Tracheostomy suction —lubricate catheter in NS
- 15 ml equal to 1 table spoon
- Position change —1-2 hourly