Nursing Coaching Institute Chandigarh: Mantram pays respect and support midwives and nurses of the world. Nurses and midwives are the backbone of every healthcare system and play key role to the achievement of universal health coverage. Mantram Nursing Coaching Institute Chandigarh is contributing at its level to support nurses and midwives of the world and we also request the other leaders of every field to strengthen the nurses and midwives by investing more in health services as part of their commitment to health for all.

Sr. Anna Jacob who belonged to CMC's very first batch of nursing diploma talks of how it was back in the old days

Sr. Anna Jacob, who belonged to CMC’s very first batch of nursing diploma, and became first Indian Nursing Superintendent, talks of how it was back in the old days, and about her friendship with Ida Scudder.

Read more about Sr. Jacob

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