- AIIMS Rishikesh, conducted a national level recruitment exam for the post of Nursing Officer/Staff Nurse (Grade-II) on 8th February, 2019. Thousands of aspirants from various part of the country eyeing lucrative career in nursing appeared in the test.
- Exam Pattern: AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer/Staff Nurse (Grade-II) exam 2019.
- No. of Questions: 200
- Each Correct Answer: 5 Marks
- Each Wrong Answer: 1 Mark
- Syllabus: Part A (Nursing Subject – 80%), Part B (General Aptitude, GK, Maths – 20%)
- Duration: 2 Hours
- Timing: 9 AM to 12 PM
- Mode of Exam: CBT (Computer Based Test)
- Regarding Question Paper: AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Officer/Staff Nurse (Grade-II) exam 2019.
- Difficulty Level: Moderate
- Question Paper Aspect: Clinical Oriented
- According to our students who had appeared in the exam 50% of questions were from the subject Medical Surgical, 5% GK, 5% Maths, 20% FON, 10% Image based question, 2.5% OBG, 10% Pediatrics.
- Our Students Approach
The view of our student who appeared in the exams from Mantram Nursing Coaching Centre Chandigarh were that almost all questions were from the topic discussed by the teachers before the exam. We had provided special classes for AIIMS Rishikesh exam like:
o Picture Identification Class (Various procedure position, OT instruments, critical care setting).
o All complex concepts are explained by experienced teachers by using models and charts.
o Thus, they thanked Mantram Nursing Coaching Centre for the best study material and experienced & expert faculty.
- Result of AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing Exam 2019
o Result of tentatively expected in the last week of February 2019. For more details kindly visit the official website.
o Memory based questions of AIIMS Rishikesh Nursing exam 2019 which was held on 8th February, 2019. These memory based questions are prepared by the expert faculty of Mantram Nursing Academy, the renowned institute for Staff Nurse Coaching in Chandigarh.
Normal pulse rate ®60
- pH of blood ®7.35 – 7.45
- Specific gravity of urine ®1.020 – 1.030
- Apical pulse ®5th intercoastal space midclavicular line
- Snellen chart used for ®Visual acquity
- Position after lumbar puncture ®Supine without pillow
- Antidote of heparin ®Protamine suphate
- Normal value of IOP ®12-20 mmHg
- Richest source of Vit.C ®Fresh orange juice
- Aspirin given with ®Milk
- LMP was 5th Aug., EDD ®12th May
- During anxiety ®Activity increased
- BCG route ®ID
- Paralytic ileus assess by ®Absent bowel sign
- Diet for dumping syndrome ®High protein, high fat, low carbohydrate
- Position for meningomyelocele patient ®Prone
- Meningitis long term complication ®Mental retardation
- If redness in coccyx area, what will be the nursing intervention ®Reposition every 1-2 hour
- Pedal pulse ®At top of foot dorsalis pedis
- Food given in early morning sickness ®Dry cracker or too before bed out
- Long time GI suctioning cause ®Metabolic alkalosis
- Schilling test ®24 hr urine
- Causative agent of tetanus ®Clostridium tetanus
- Causative organism of leprosy ®Mycobacterium lepra
- Vector of dengue ®Aedes
- Maximum dose of IM given in gluteal ®3ml
- Patient with sangastaken blackmore tube have a respiratory distress which nursing intervention ®Cut the tube and withdraw the tube then intubate
- Desire dose is 0.75g, tablet available in 250 mg. How many tablets have to be given ®3 tablets
- DPT route ®IM
- DPT sight ®Vastous lateralis
- CPR ratio in adult ®30:2
- APGAR score at 1 and 5 minute is 4. What will be the nursing intervention ®Provide oxygenation
- Serious complication after chemotherapy ®Bone marrow depression
- Inj ondasterone must be given in chemotherapy ®30 minute before chemotherapy
- Patient suffering with Hep A, what nursing education must be provided to family ®Don’t share utensils
- Earliest symptom of increased ICP ®Altered level of consciousness
- Position after tonsillectomy ®Side line
- 10 ml will be given in how many teaspoon ®2
- ECG changes in hyperkalemia ®Tall T wave
- Hyperkalemia management ®Insulin + Dextrose
- Before CPR pulse assess during cardiac arrest ®Not more than 10 seconds
- While 2 rescurer are providing CPR to adult after how many cycle, they will change their position ®After 5 cycle
- Foot drop is prevented by ®Foot drop
- Patient with seizure priority ®Prevent injury and side – lie position
- Patient is immunocompromised which precaution is used ®Protective
- Most common type of anemia in India®Iron deficiency
- Patient with thrombocytopenia purpura, nursing action is to observe for ®Gum bleeding
- Patient with myasthenia gravis, nurse will check for ®Respiratory status
- Symptoms of multiple sclerosis ®Hyperreflexia of lower extremities
- In retinal detachment strenuous activities avoided for ®Six weeks
- Symptoms of osteoarthritis ®Joint pain, swelling & limiting R.O.M.
- In dumping syndrome ®Limit fluid with meal
- TPN started slowly during initial because of ®Electrolyte imbalance
- Finding of ulcerative colitis ®WBC 16,000
- Patient with hemophilia having swelling, joint pain what will be the nursing intervention ®Cold compression
- 15 U insulin in 100 ml, we need to give 3 U/Hr, how much ml should be given ®6ml/Hr
- Capital of South Australia ®Adelade
- Capital of Dadar & Nagar Haveli ®Silvasa
- Capital of South Africa ®Cape Town
- CM of Uttarakhand ®Trivendra Singh Rawat
- Governor of Uttarakhand ®Baby Rani Maurya
- President of India ®Ram Nath Kovind
- Vice President is the member of Ex-Co-office of ®Rajya Sabha
- Crutch are used ®2-3 inch below axilla
- 80 students in class 30% are girls, how many are boys ®56
- 1 Jan. 2007 was Monday, 1 Jan. 2008 will be ®Tuesday
- Shopkeeper bought a bicycle of Rs.4000 and sold in Rs.3200 what is the percentage of profit or loss ®20%
- Tremors in Parkinsonism ®Resting tremors
- After AED®CPR is resume
- What is hematocrit ®RBC in 100 mL of blood
- In liver cirrhosis which liver enzyme is increased ®SGPT
- Patient is going for cholesystogram, nurse will assess for ®Allergy for iodine
- A can speed 80 km/hr and after 3.5 hr ®280km